Getting back to game projects to add to my game design portfolio.
So while I haven't truly stopped working on things in UE4 or gaming in general, I have been rather quiet about it, and much less active...
Snowboarding ... Can I?
After I decided to take on some more activities in the wide outdoors, and with the heavy snow and good cold temps that my area has...
Wow I've lost track of time
Man, since graduating I've lost track of time. I meant to write here alot more often than this, as well as adding alot more content to...
So graduation has come and gone, but where's the beta
Well I have to say, things don't feel any different now that I've graduated. I got swept up in the wild and crazy that is my work around...
Graduation Looms
So as the holidays loom so does graduation. Less than 2 days from now my team's final submission will be in, and that will conclude all...
What a month.
So we're another month down, and just 1 left until graduation. I'm really excited to be done, but sad to think that this game will likely...
Better late than never.
Well this was supposed to have been posted 2 weeks ago, but damned if I didn't just get crazy busy and keep putting it off. I know, bad...
First Month Down
My team and I have now been working on The Floating Isles project for just about 3 weeks. We've managed to implement a number of...
Elated and Terrified
Yes that is that feeling you get when something you really wanted to happen happens. For me this time around it was having my game...
Entering Final Project at Full Sail University.
Just over 2 years done, and now sitting on the threshold to the final stretch at Full Sail. I just finished delivering my game pitch,...